
Speculation: Pokemon Gold and Silver remakes to be announced Sunday

This past Friday, it was announced that Japan's Pokémon Sunday variety show would be making a world exclusive announcement on May 10, leading many to believe the reveal of a new monster-catchin' title was imminent. Speculation on the nature of this new title was set aflame by the image you see above -- a picture of this past episode of Pokémon Sunday, which clearly depicts gold and silver balls hanging precariously from the ceiling.

It's fairly tenuous as far as speculation goes, but the timing is right for Pokémon Gold and Silver remakes to hit the street. It's probably too soon for Generation V to be released like a plague unto the world, and Generation IV is pretty much all tapped out. Since Gold and Silver (and Crystal, we guess) are the only ones that haven't had a post-GBC adaptation, it makes sense for them to modernize it. Oh, and to monetize it. Again.