
We Have a Tabard: A little help from my friends

The We Have a Tabard series is designed to help guild leaders, officers, members achieve their goals to maximize their cooperative experience.

I'm relatively new to leading a raiding guild. I've been working on building and training my team for about six months. I've been leading the recruiting and correcting members, managing raids, and in general trying to make my online family as functional as possible. It's a lot of work for one person, and no matter how much I love my guildies I have to admit that I am tired.

The best thing that I've ever done for myself and my guild is to ask for help. I have some great players in my guild that are well respected by other members and the server community. They have expertise in areas that do I do not. Probably most importantly they are less likely to mince words than I do and are willing to do what it takes to get the job done. Having some backup has helped some become more invested in the guild and has really lightened my load.

Choosing who to ask for help can be a tough call. It does little good to select only your favorites or your friends, if they are not successful leaders. Take several factors into account when selecting a council of officers:

  • First officers should be well-respected members of their guild. They understand your goals, your members, your expectations, and your rules. Good officers know their class and have proven their willingness to help others learn and grow. They are experienced players that are willing to share that experience.

  • Officers should be vocal members of your guild community. It would be hard for your members to accept direction from someone who only speaks when there is a problem. They don't have to be buddy buddy with everyone, but leaders should be at least semi-social.

  • Another important trait in an officer is a level head. Someone that's regularly too forceful or rude to others may put your guildies off. Rather than being a grounding sources in your guild, hot-headed officers can cause rifts and turnover in your guild. Good officers should be able to make corrections without getting angry or yelling.

  • Your officers should be active and available. They should regularly attend guild activities (like raids or battlegrounds) so that they can assess performance and make suggestions. They should also be available at other times to help work with specs, rotations, and gear.

  • When you select an officer, you place a considerable amount of trust in that person. Make sure they are worthy of that trust. A poorly chosen officer can rob the guild, undermine the mission, or even cause a guild to crumble.

If you're interested in becoming an officer for your guild, try to hone these attributes. Officers generally emerge from the ranks as they develop skill and respect. Prove yourself to be dedicated to the guild. Lend a hand to others when they need it. If you fit the bill, don't be surprised if you're asked to step up to leadership.

Next time, we'll talk about some of the roles or tasks that should be assigned to your corps of officers. offers a plethora of information on guild leadership and guild membership. Be sure to check out Scott Andrew's Weekly Column Officer's Quarters and keep an eye on the community with Mike Schramm's Guildwatch.