
Your decision to buy a home arcade cabinet just got slightly less irresponsible

Want to make your game system or computer less convenient, but infinitely more awesome? X-Arcade has announced that "in celebration of its hometown Pittsburgh Penguins recent Stanley Cup Victory," it is offering a version of its X-Arcade Mame Cabinet for $799, down from its usual $999. That's a great deal (relative to the normal cost)!

The cabinet includes a 2-player X-Arcade stick, though if you're crazy enough to buy this kind of stuff, you'll probably want to swap out your own Sanwa sticks and buttons. You'll need to provide your own game system or PC, your own monitor (or add one for $425), and your own speakers, unless you use a TV with speakers. Of course, with your all-Rush mixtape, you won't even need arcade audio.

[Via Arcade Junkies]