
One Shots: Playing with fire

This weekend is going to be a time for many to get together and do some grilling out and partying! Meanwhile in Azeroth, the Midsummer Fire Festival is wrapping up, so we wanted to take a quick peek in and see how things are going there. Today's World of Warcraft One Shots finds us in the company of Hollyberry from the Bronze Dragonflight EU server. She writes in: Dizzy dizzy and even more so.... tripping the light fantastic in Duskwallow Marsh out side Theramore, is Hollyberry, Night Elf Druid - taking time out from her adventures to enjoy the festival...

We hope you all have a fun, relaxing, and safe weekend with friends, family, and fire - or fireworks! If you manage to catch some MMO time, why not grab a screenshot of your favorite MMO and send it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description. We'll show it off and give you credit for sending it in!