
Guildwatch: That little extra something

It's been a while since we've seen a fun screenshot like this, so here you go: Lawlessness of Norgannon-H saw fit to add a little text to their kill picture of the first boss in Ulduar. If you want to send us an exceptionally cool screenshot your guild has done, feel free to send it (and any other tips you have about drama, downed, or recruting news) to, and you might see it here in the future.

Meanwhile, click the link below to see this week's Guildwatch column. Enjoy!


  • We hear there's been some rough times lately for Midnight Madness on Anvilmar. We're told that they've lost a whole slew of members after the guild leader was apparently taking folks who weren't raiding the 10-man version to Ulduar 25, as well as bringing in friends and non-guild members. Furthermore, we hear Runed Orbs were disappearing from the raids and not reappearing in the guild bank. "Many core raiders" have apparently abandoned the guild and shipped off to a new guild, Vintage.

  • A tipster tells us that Stormguard, one of the oldest raiding guilds on Mok'nathal, disbanded late last month, leaving many casual and dedicated raiders without a guild. They were working through Ulduar and running five and 10-mans, and yet, our tipster says that because raid leaders are tired of members "missing out" on raids due to things like work or school, they have called it quits. We have hope, however, that the guild will survive anyway.

  • This isn't drama, it's recruiting, but we didn't want you to miss it. Fail on Destromath is recruiting, and they've even created a song about it. A hilarious song. Oh, and they need mages. And "tanks?" Stay tuned for the banjo.

  • Unholy Terror on Turalyon had one of their GMs, Kist, break down after one of the guild members practiced "insubordination" and argued with the GM about whether the guild should go to Ulduar or not. We've got angry ingame mails: Kist says you should never argue with an overlord (that's a rank only two people have and will ever have), and if you do argue, then you get demoted (even though some members of the guild are doing their best to avoid drama). Finally, if you post an argument on the forums, then you get Kist telling you to "check yourself before you wreck yourself." Actually, that's probably worth it.

  • No idea how to get rid of a guild? No worries! Just pass it on to the next guy. That's what Palatinz did with Why so seriouS on EU Silvermoon. Oh, and for future reference: /gdisband.

  • Who's the guy anonymously trashing Drifters on Wyrmrest Accord? Oh, apparently it's Grizzladin, who lost a roll on a headpiece and got so angry he hearthed right out of the instance. We'll repeat that: he lost a roll. He's all angry that he did more healing and made a bigger difference in the raid, but guess what, buddy? /roll doesn't care how much you've done. And pitching a fit over a random number will get you your comeuppance -- like, say, being listed right here in GW.

  • This is a pretty common ninja with an interesting guild-related twist: raidleader really wants some KT loot. Betrayer drops, raidleader rolls 78, some Pally rolls 100. Raidleader flips out and "disconnects." Raidleader's assistant (named, ironically, "Ikickscrubs" -- they're both in Surrey Slumdogs on Blackrock) takes the item and kicks the lucky Paladin. Raidleader shows up in the thread (named "Appleiphone" -- seriously?), and claims whoops it was all a big mistake, he just wanted to "negotiate" for the item. Except that, whoops, it's already been enchanted. Nice one. "I swear I'm not a ninja, ask anyone... except for the fact that I take items I don't win. There is that."

  • Ferver on Tortheldrin was disbanded late last month, we hear, after a musical chairs bit of leadership changing. The original GM apparently left for another raiding guild, passing the leadership onto an officer. The second GM made his brothers officers, and then got in so many fights with them, one of the brothers split off to form his own guild. After some more personal issues and even a rage quit after a rough Hodir run, that GM left, when leadership was passed on to the last remaining officer. He kept the guild alive for two more months (and three more Ulduar bosses) before finishing it off, and passing the lead to a friend, who finally disbanded the guild out of its misery. Rough going. Fortunately, most of those folks are now in Pewter City Gym, which is the guild that the brother originally left to form. They're working on 10-man Mimiron. Grats?


  • Deus Invictus on the Gorefiend server downed Yogg 25. "At last," they say. Grats!

  • Knights of Nobility on Skywall are a new progression guild who surprised themselves by clearing out four wings of Naxx, and then celebrated their achievements and new gear with a guild-first downing of Emalon!

  • RRT, a casual guild on Tichondrius-H, have completed Naxxramas 10 and and one-shot Sarth by his lonesome. Great job! We'll put his buddies on notice for you.

  • Knights of Ni on Dawnbringer has cleared up to Freya in 10-man, and Assembly of Iron in 25-man. They also just recently celebrated two years of existence! Grats! And yes, Ni!

  • Hollywood on Cho'gall downed Yogg 10 a little while ago, which means they're now rolling through hard modes and Ulduar 25. Speaking of which -- they could use a few more. Apply on the website if interested.

  • After losing the race to server first Mimiron and Vezack kills on 25-man Ulduar, Sinners and Saints on The Scryers bagged the server first Yogg-Saron kill a few weeks ago. They're now working up their way to Algalon, so he's on notice.

  • U N K N O W N of Deathwing downed 25-man Yogg the other day, becoming the fourth Alliance guild on the server to kill him. Drama and school kept them from doing it sooner, but they did finish him off in only one and a half nights of attempts. They're working on an "I Choose You Steelbreaker" server second -- good luck!

  • Bone Brigade, who we're told is the oldest guild on Lightninghoof, downed Sarth 3D on 10-man, picking up "of the Nightfall." We agree: quite amazing for a casual raiding guild. They're also recruiting a Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Elemental Shaman, Holy Paladin, Protection Paladin, and Warlock, especially experienced/skilled players can make three raid nights a week.

  • Soul of Doomhammer on Suramar downed Kel'Thuzad in Naxx 25 for the first time as a newly-formed raiding guild. Ulduar 10 is being cleared right now.

  • Late Night Elites (Kirin Tor-H) is happy to announce that all Ulduar 10-man bosses have been downed on normal, and Freya (all three Elders), Hodir, XT-002, General Vezax, and Thorim have been cleaned out on hard mode. Vezax is on notice in 25, and then Yoggy needs to watch his back. They're also looking for solid players -- they raid late night, and interested folks should apply on their website.

  • Worse Than Death on Blade's Edge downed Hodir in Ulduar 10, bringing them to 9/14. Mimiron is on notice for next time. They're also looking for some talented players to move into 25-man content.

  • Occido Fetialis of Doomhammer-H has downed General Vezax in Ulduar 10 and have hopefully downed Yoggy as well. They're also recruiting for 25-man Ulduar, so visit the website to see where they're at and if you can help.

  • Para Bellum of Stormreaver downed Yogg on Heroic. Grats!

  • Blood for Blood on Kael'thas has two teams clearing to the Watchers and one tower up on Flame Leviathan. One team has also gotten the speed kills for Razorscale and XT finished and downed Freya, Thorim and Hodir. Way to go!

  • Flux, a raiding guild on Ragnaros, has cleared up to the Keepers in Ulduar 10, and have downed Flame Leviathan, XT Deconstructor and Razorscale in the 25-man version.

  • ocs of Bonechewer has killed Heroic Yogg-Saron. Algalon is on notice next. Good luck!

  • Lawlessness on the Horde side of Norgannon just formed a little while ago from the ashes of another guild felled by drama. But they've done great since they joined up, finishing off both Naxx and Flame Leviathan (see the pic above). They're also seeking healers, and are headed to 25-mans as soon as they have the people.

  • Knights of the Blue Dawn of Malygos has finished their first guild-only 25-man Naxx run... with only 23 players in the raid. They're seeking a few more, though (at least two, we'd guess) for a run through 25-man Ulduar. See the website for more.

  • Nebraska on Burning Legion one-shot Yogg-Saron and got the Champion of Ulduar achievement. Which, we agree, is pretty cool for what started out as an alt guild in vanilla WoW.

  • Narrow Path, an Alliance Christian Guild on the Thunderhorn server, now has 5/14 bosses down in Ulduar 25. Kologarn is one of them, so another whole section of the instance is ready for their wrath.

  • Divinity's Shadow of Bloodscalp-H is an ultra-casual 10-man that nevertheless has finished off Kologarn. Way to go -- Auriaya is on notice next.


  • Chaos on Thorium Brotherhood is a casual, progression-based raiding guilde looking for talented players to fill some key raid slots as they gear up to head into Ulduar 25. They currently have two teams working on Ulduar 10 and are 11/14. RL beats WoW in the guild, but outside of that, they're seeking raiders who know their class and enjoy a good time. One more rule: you must Love Popcorn. Not even our tipster understands that one, but it stands.

  • Amicus of EU Frostmane is a Dutch 10-man raiding guild, currently at Yogg-Saron. They raid two nights each week and are looking for all kinds of (Dutch!) players for progress through the hard mode content. They have a casual mindset for signing, but a hardcore mentality when the raid starts. Fill in an app if you fit at the website.

  • Pango Honoratus (Twisting Nether-H) is recruiting: they need a dual-spec Shadow Priest, another dual-spec Boomkin, a few Mages, Warlocks, and Hunters, and a dual-spec Elemental Shaman. They're a casual guild that's 10/14 in Ulduar 10, and 6/14 in 25-man.

  • Aura on Thrall raids late night (they have cleared most 10-man content and are heading into 25-man content and Ulduar soon), and are seeking Warriors, Paladins, Druids, and an elemental Shaman. Casual but serious, and feel free to check the website for more.

  • A Tauren Stole My Choppa of EU Chamber of Aspects is a friendly leveling and social guild that likes to hang out with each other, run a few 5-man dungeons, help lower level members reach the endgame, and occasionally do single-boss raids. They formed just recently, and are accepting anyone interested in joining the guild.

  • Phoenix Flame on Arthas is recruiting more members. They have a Vent, guild bank, and a nice website. They're seeking active players, and need more members to help them run dungeons, Heroics, and eventually raids again. Tanks and healers are especially needed.

  • Prodigy is a sociable raiding guild on EU Alonsus, making their way through 10-man content after having reformed following Wrath. Currently, they've cleared Naxx 10, EoE 10, OS 10 (no drakes yet), and VoA10, and are 7/14 in Ulduar 10. They have a dedicated core of raiders, but are looking to bolster their ranks to build up to a 25-man team. All classes are wanted at the moment as long as you know what you're doing.

  • Hello Kitty Death Cult on Darkspear is looking to recruit dedicated raiders to fill slots on the Ulduar 10 runs. Warlocks, Boomkins, and healers of any class are all welcome (and they'll have lots of chances at good gear, too).

  • The Spartan Project on Thunderhorn-H is a casual leveling/social guild, that's hoping to start raiding one day. If you want to get in on the ground floor of a raiding guild, look them up.

  • Reviction of Stormscale-H is recruiting for raiders and casuals. They are a progression oriented guild that is currently working on Yogg in 25-man Ulduar and Alganon in 10-man Ulduar. They raid mid-day, as most of their members are military or DoD civilians living in Europe. Fill out an app on the website if you want to join up, and make sure to say you heard about the guild on!

That's it for this week's GW. Until next week, happy raiding!

That not enough guild news for you? There's lots more Guildwatch in the archives, including an honest-to-goodness /gkick contract, and lots of red-handed bank looting. Wherever people /gquit or are /gkicked, that's where you'll find GW!