
Honey, they shrunk the boxes: FCS now in convenient nano size

There's more on the inside, where it counts, but the boxes are definitely downsized: over at, Peter Esse has posted his comparative unboxing pictures from Logic Studio and Final Cut Studio 2 to the newly announced and shipping versions (note that Apple is just calling the product "Final Cut Studio" now, even though many are referring to it as version 3). As you can see, the new pro apps are missing one of the pro features: printed manuals.

Considering the $300 price drop and the sheer tonnage of idle & obsolete Final Cut manuals clogging shelves in edit suites around the world, this seems like a reasonable tradeoff. Will you miss the full-scale paper documentation? Let us know below. If you want a PDF overview of the new FCS features, Apple has posted the Final Cut Studio In Depth 66-page rundown (17 MB).