
Enjoy some comic geekery with SWTOR's Threat of Peace update

With the convention craze of the summer - E3 into San Diego ComicCon and then PAX, the news for Star Wars: The Old Republic has been crazy hot and heavy. We've heard about new classes, seen new video and gameplay, and even landed some rumors that are continuing to pique interest. Meanwhile, the co-operative webcomic between BioWare, LucasArts and Dark Horse Comics have been coming out steadily, overshadowed by their shinier brethren.

As a bit of a breather, the team at BioWare have focused for the last couple of weeks exclusively on the comic - we're sure to allow the story to shine on its own. Well, that and we're told they're working on another big announcement for next week's update, which is sure to send the Star Wars: The Old Republic fan-base into another string of vociferous nerdgasms. For now, enjoy some fresh new webcomic geekery while we all wait with bated breath for yet another wave of news.