
Champions Online devchat Thursday: Blood Moon

There is a lot of excitement about the upcoming Blood Moon event in Champions Online, and we've seen enough information this month to make us very anxious for the 27th. We're about to get more, and this time it's all about what you want to know. This Thursday's Champions Online devchat will be all about Blood Moon: zombies and brains, werewolves and hunters.

The majority of the questions will be pulled from the devchat question thread in the forums, so if you've got one, that's the place to ask it. (As one forum poster pointed out, it wouldn't be the worst idea to check out the Blood Moon wiki first and see what's already been answered.) If your forum question doesn't get answered during the chat, you'll have a second chance when they open it up to questions from the audience at the end.

The devchat will be this Thursday (the 22nd) in their IRC chatroom at 4:30 PM PDT. Enjoy!