
Two Bosses Enter: Anub'Arak vs. Loken

Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in's series of fantasy death matches. Welcome to Round Two of the five-man Wrath of the Lich King season. Grab a seat, and let's get ready to rumble!

Here we are: the final matchup of the second bracket of Two Bosses Enter, featuring the five-man bosses of original Wrath. Before we loose our competitors to one another's depradations inside the Thunderdome, we'd like to remind spectators that we'll have an extra vote next week to balance out the bracket. We'll be taking your votes from among every loser so far (including Round One). The top three underdogs will return to compete in the next bracket (for a total of 16 competitors).

And now ... Anub' Arak of Azjol-Nerub versus Loken from the Halls of Lightning. The ground rules:

  • Assume that the opponents along with their minions share similar levels, health pools and comparative overall damage output.

  • This deathmatch takes place in neutral territory (or a Thunderdome facsimile thereof), which shall in no way hinder either opponent from using his usual resources.

  • All the usual minions will be available to each boss.

  • Don't get caught up in gameplay mechanics and what actual players might do in each encounter.

  • Don't neglect style, story and scale.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls ... Dyin' time's here.

Anub'Arak (Azjol-Nerub)

I was king of this empire once, long ago. In life I stood as champion. In death I returned as conqueror. Now I protect the kingdom once more. Ironic, yes?

Anub'Arak, the former king of Azjol-Nerub, was among the Nerubians slaughtered in the War of the Spider and later raised as Undead by Ner'zhul the Lich King to do his bidding. Read the extensive lore page on Anub'Arak to learn more about his background.

Anub'Arak's battle strategy includes truly relentless tactics. Besides wreaking havoc with vicious attacks and environmental damage, he swarms opponents with protective Locusts and nettling Carrion Beetles. He periodically burrows underground, besieging opponents with packs of summoned minions.

Learn more about Anub'Arak's strategies, and review comments from players who've battled him.

Loken (Halls of Lightning)

My master has shown me the future, and you have no place in it. Azeroth will be reborn in darkness. Yogg-Saron shall be released! The Pantheon shall fall!

Loken, the Dark Titan who resides in the Halls of Lightning, has an extensive history with links to none other than Yogg-Saron. From "According to the Tribunal of Ages in Ulduar'sHalls of Stone, Loken - also known by various sources as "Keeper Loken," "Sentinel Loken," "Kronus" and "prime designate" - was named the supreme protector of Azeroth by the Pantheon, leading the Aesir (Storm Giants) and Vanir (Earth Giants) following the containment of the Old Gods. Along with his brother Thorim, the Stormlord, as well as Watchers Hodir, Freya, Mimir and Tyr, Loken was designated as a guardian to watch over the prison of Yogg-Saron, deep within Ulduar. Over time, however, Loken succumbed to the whispers of the Old God and turned on his allies, taking control of Ulduar and seeking to unravel the plans of his former masters. At some point, he provoked a global war between the Storm Giants and Earth Giants, which was ended by Loken's 'neutralizing' them. After the conclusion of that war, Loken placed the Earthen, Giants and Vrykul into stasis at designated holding facilities (presumably, facilities like Uldaman or Ulduar)."

Learn more about Loken's battle abilities, and review comments from players who've battled him.

Two bosses enter, but only one boss may leave ...

Two Boss matchups are about substance and style, not strict game play and mechanics. Don't get swept up into thinking about how players would react -- there are no players in the Thunderdome. No game-mechanic nitpicking! Vote for the spirit of the battle as set forth above. Set aside differences in opponents' health pools, game level and actual damage output.

Who wins, and why? We'll see you down below in the comments. Can you come up with a convincing scenario that will sway other readers to your point of view?


Who rocks Wrath's five-man world? We're winding up the second bracket in the five-man Wrath of the Lich King season.