
Champions Online offers free weekend during Blood Moon

Player response has been great since the launch of Champions Online September 1st, and Blood Moon generated even more excitement. If you haven't tried it yet, Cryptic Studios is aiming to change that in the same way so many games do: give you a little bit free to draw you in. Next weekend, you can give the game a try during their free Blood Moon Weekend.

The official site asks you "Hate zombies? Abhor mummies? Detest the dreaded undead? Like to play MMOs for free? You could be the one. You could be the Champion we need!" It's probably safe to say that most of us meet the criteria, especially that last one. A free weekend combined with the ongoing buzz about Champions Online should be all of the reason you need to try it out if you haven't yet. The free weekend begins Friday, October 30th and runs until Monday, November 2nd. (If only employers had such a generous definition of "weekend") Since the Blood Moon event begins on the 27th, you'll get to experience that along with the rest of the game.

Visit the official site to sign up, download, and log in.