
What's @warcraft up to?

We're not sure what this is. Hell, we're not even sure this is about Warcraft. But it came across the @warcraft twitter this afternoon with the tag "It's Coming - 11/25."

That's Wednesday, so I gather we'll see either the next image or the answer to it then.

This isn't the first time Blizzard has played the image game with us -- back in 2008 there was a huge deal over the Diablo 3 runes that were appearing on Blizzard's site before the Worldwide Invitational. Could this be something like that again? We're not sure. It's legitimate speculation, but this is Twitter and not a big PR/Marketing rollout, so who knows. Then again, it's possible Blizzard is learning how to correctly use social media and we're feeding into their marketing campaign, doing all the work for them. In which case, well played.

Tune in Wednesday for more on this oddity.