
Rumorong: BioShock 2 'New Daddy' screen is concept art from original game

While we've got our fingers crossed for some new assets in BioShock 2 (would you really visit the same Rapture twice?), the "New Daddy" pictured above will not be one of them. This image popped op on the Bioshock 2 Forums today initially claiming to be a new "experimental" suit for the sequel's Big Daddies. As it turns out, this is just a really old suit dug up from an E3 2006 press kit for the original game. "The guy that wrote [the Bioshock 2 Forums post] either didn't know or did it on purpose," a 2K representative told videogaming247. Clearly, he didn't know: "When I saw this picture I jumped on the chance to get something fresh, unfortunately, it was something that had already been released in 2006," reads an update on the post.

Still, as the poster argues, the ancient design is likely fair game for BioShock 2. After all, if Sea of Dreams is a prequel, why not make use of some pre-release assets from the first game? (Can you tell we're drowning in skepticism?)