
Skate 3 throws down in May 2010

The rumor is true: Skate 3 will hit the streets next May. But this time around, EA's skateboarding franchise takes the action outside of San Vanelona, bringing players to the new town of Port Carverton. That isn't the only new thing the third installment offers, however, as the press release promises players will be able to team up and form skate crews to "complete challenges together while advancing each other's careers." This even includes new challenges in the Hall of Meat and an all-new Skate school for players of all skill levels.

EA is also promoting the Skate Create feature suite, an "innovative toolset that empowers gamers to truly express their skate style by creating their own graphics, videos, and skate parks," which should be available both online and offline. And if you find yourself extra anxious to fork over money for the game well before its release, a pre-order bonus in an in-game area called Black Box Distribution Skate Park should tickle your fancy. This area is none other than the "home turf of Zero, Mystery, and Fallen skate teams."

Skate 3
will be available on Xbox 360 and PS3 in May 2010.