
Over 100 Million movie goers experience RealD 3D

If you haven't experienced RealD 3D yet and you are reading this site, then you might want to check your geek card. We say that because it wasn't until we watched the National Championship game with a set of RealD's 3D glasses in a theater that we finally got this whole 3D thing, and now RealD is proud to let us know that over 100 Million movie goers have experienced it. The biggest hurdle modern 3D technology has to overcome though is the fact that it is using the same name as the crappy cereal box technology of Super Bowl commercials. We can tell you what 100 Million others already know, this isn't the same thing. So right after you post the first comment about how you won't wear any stupid glasses, search out the nearest theater showing AVATAR in 3D at a RealD theater this weekend, and after watching it, tell us this technology isn't going anywhere.

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RealD, the global leader in 3D technology, today announced that more than 100 million moviegoers have experienced films in RealD 3D worldwide. Having started today's digital 3D revolution four short years ago with the release of Disney's "Chicken Little," 24 films have been shown in RealD 3D generating upwards of $1 billion in box office from RealD 3D-equipped screens.

"Reaching the 100 millionth milestone in such a short period of time shows studios, exhibitors and moviegoers around the world have embraced RealD 3D for its premium entertainment experience," said Michael V. Lewis, Chairman and CEO of RealD. "With our worldwide footprint tripling this year alone and the packed line-up of films coming out in RealD 3D, we're excited to continue to build on this revolution in cinema."

By far the world's largest 3D cinema platform, RealD has continued its accelerated growth tallying a 200% increase in its worldwide installation base for the 2009 calendar year. The RealD 3D platform counts among its partners 19 of the world's top 20 exhibitors with an industry-leading 9,500 screens under contract and 4,800 screens installed in 48 countries with 300 exhibition partners.

Added Joe Peixoto, RealD President of Worldwide Cinema, "Our hundreds of exhibition partners around the world are the foundation of our success. We look forward to continuing to deliver the industry standard in 3D so audiences can experience today's RealD 3D phenomenon."

A fundamental shift to the cinema business, and a driver of this year's record cinema box office, RealD 3D-enabled locations have delivered over 3x the per screen box office and 2.5x the per screen attendance of the same film in 2D. This year alone blockbusters including Disney's "A Christmas Carol," Twentieth Century Fox's "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs," DreamWorks Animation's "Monsters vs. Aliens" and Disney/Pixar's "Up" have all earned over $100 million on 3D screens. There are over 50 films slated for release on RealD 3D encompassing all major studios, and more announced regularly, assuring the exponential growth of the RealD 3D platform.