
Motorola 'jumped the gun' with details of Droid's Android 2.1 update

Turns out all that excitement and frothing at the mouth was for nothing, as Motorola's surprisingly nippy move to Android 2.1 on the Droid isn't going to be all that rapid after all. The Moto Owners' Forum manager has admitted that a few trigger-happy souls rushed out the details of the Droid's upcoming OS update ahead of time, and the current situation is quite as it was before this news: your Droid will be chomping down on an Eclair, just not as soon as you might have been led to hope. The original source of the belief that the update will be hitting this week was Moto's Facebook page, but PC Mag's sleuthing has revealed that the position has now changed to "soon" over there as well. Patience is a virtue, eh?

[Thanks, Steve]