
EA launches Lord of Ultima browser game

Well, it's not the genre-saving 3D sandbox that many long time Ultima vets have been pining for, but it's a start. Electronic Arts today announced the availability of Lord of Ultima, a new MMO/strategy hybrid set in the revered Ultima universe.

The free-to-play browser-based game features trading, alliance creation, army creation, diplomacy, and resource management. Developed by EA subsidiary Phenomic, the game was designed from the ground up to be accessible to a wide audience.

"Lord of Ultima was designed to ensure that everyone, from strategy newcomers to diehard fans, can make it to the top of the leader board. Phenomic is committed to building dynamic communities that delight players as they interact with the game, each other and the legendary world of Ultima," said Volker Wertich, Phenomic Creative Director.

Check out the official site for more information or to get started.