
XBLA in Brief: Puzzle Chronicles, After Burner Climax

We've got two wildly disparate games on Xbox Live Arcade this week. For the puzzle game / RPG hybrid fans, there's Puzzle Chronicles, essentially a different take on Puzzle Quest (which makes sense, as both were developed by Infinite Interactive). If you're more of an action bent, then After Burner Climax will be right up your alley. So, what's it going to be, saving the kingdom one rotating gem at a time or blasting bogeys from the sky? Watch the latest XBLA in Brief and see if either 800

($10) title deserves a spot on your radar.

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[M4V] Download the M4V directly. Add Puzzle Chronicles trial version to your Xbox 360 download queue Add After Burner Climax trial version to your Xbox 360 download queue