
One Shots: Don't jump! Oh wait, you can't

As much as we're all about giving love to Guild Wars here at the Massively virtual offices, there are some parts of the game that just drive us completely bonkers. The inability to jump and smacking into invisible walls are two of the big ones. But for those flaws, the game offers so much more in exchange -- fun events, interesting storylines, no monthly fees, and (surprise) really great visuals like today's One Shots!

This image comes to us from Ian, who writes in: "As Guild Wars celebrates its Five Year Anniversary, the Boardwalk games are up and running again in Shing Jea Monastery. My assassin and her Miniature Burning Titan were on their way to play Nine Rings and work on titles when this beautiful sunset appeared. With so many players focused on the games at hand many likely missed this stunning view. Guild Wars still has such beautiful landscapes after five years and occasionally sends out a simple reminder to slow down and enjoy it all. Happy Birthday Guild Wars!"

From large to small MMOs, we'd love to see your screenshots and hear what you've been up to in your favorite MMOs. All you have to do to have your image featured is to send it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name. the name of the game, and a brief description of what we're seeing in the image. Please make sure your screenshot is at least 1024px wide and has as few visible UI elements as is possible. It could wind up being the next one we feature!