
The Daily Grind: Push to blurt

Voice chat in games -- XBox Live, Vent, TS or whatever poison you prefer -- is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it offers near-instantaneous communication between players, frees up the need to type out conversations, and adds tone and personality to unseen players. On the other hand, the phrase "speaking without thinking" comes to mind.

In the Massively offices, we were sharing tales of some of the odder Vent outbursts in our history. These included Rubi using her Mom Voice to break up a fight between her kids while not realizing she was accidentally chewing out her entire raid, a guy who was annoyed that his girlfriend went into labor in the middle of a heated play session, and the ever-popular "Holy crap, some idiot just drove their car through the side of my house!"

We've all been there on both sides of disturbing, bizarre, hilarious or just plain weird Vent outbursts -- and we want to hear yours today! When were you the sender or receiver of some crazy Vent outburst that stunned the voice chat room into silence... or sent them to the floor laughing? What string of unfortunate words have you ever heard blurted from a guildie?