
Gorilla Banana studios and Emergent announce partnership for Red Blood

What do you get when you combine Emergent's Gamebryo engine, a developer with the arguably awesome name of Gorilla Banana, and a bunch of genetically-altered super-humans who each want to rule the world?

Red Blood. Emergent Game Technologies and Korean developer Gorilla Banana have put their collective heads together to further create this futuristic MMO. Players of Red Blood will choose one of four countries to join -- Victoria, Kulitie à Khuril-Tai, Normu à Nomos, and Peiladulia à Phratria. Each country has different character traits and attributes to its advantage, but the citizens are all after the same goal: world domination. You'll join your "new and improved" countrymen in a bid to make your country the ruling power.

Gorilla Banana's site states that Red Blood has been in alpha since July of 2007, so hopefully the announcement of the partnership with Emergent means that we'll be hearing more from Red Blood soon.