
Split/Second dev diary explains the science of 'splosions

We'll be straight with you guys -- though we thoroughly enjoyed Black Rock and Disney's frantic racer Split/Second, we weren't expecting the developer diary posted above, which focuses on what went into designing the title, to be quite so scientific. We thought most exchanges during the game's creation would break down like so:

Developer: "Should I put an explosion here?"
Lead Developer: "You absolutely should put an explosion there."
Developer: "And one around the corner?"
Lead Developer: "It would be irresponsible to not put one around the corner."
Developer: "What about this fuel truck? Should this explode?"
Lead Developer: "Stop what you're doing right now, so that I can high-five you."

While we're certain this conversation occurred at least once at the Black Rock offices, the actual design of the game required a bit more sophistication that that. Check out the video above to find out what considerations really went into Split/Second's creation.