
Time Magazine updates iPhone app to 2.0

Time Inc. has updated the free TIME MobileiPhone app to version 2.0, building on input from readers of the previous version.

The app interface has undergone a huge redesign and is now much faster than before, answering one of the biggest gripes about the earlier version. TIME Mobile now adds podcasts, the video library is optimized for iPhone viewing, and readers are able to customize which sections of the magazine appear on the app home page.

You can now save articles for offline reading, search for favorite articles, shake the iPhone to refresh articles in a section, and share articles through Facebook and Twitter. As if that's not enough, TIME also made the app more legible by adding the ability to increase the font size for articles or change the font for the entire app.

While it's good to see that TIME has updated the iPhone app, many iPad users are still angry with the magazine's decision to charge $4.99 an issue (through in-app purchase) for the digital version of a magazine that can be had in print for $0.50 an issue. That decision has resulted in close to 74% of all customers giving the free iPad app a poor rating.

Time Inc. also has digital versions of Sports Illustrated, LIFE, and the ever popular Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition available in the App Store.