
One Shots: Ambitious

In the warring lands of Warhammer Online, players are treated to the threat of siege as an everyday occurrence. However, it's not just a question of seeing enemies stomping down the street towards you. What happens when players decide that they make better rulers over the defeated side than the now-deposed rulers do? Well, that's when we get fun Warhammer Online One Shots like today's, sent in to us by Talkan. He writes in with his thoughts:

"After fighting Destruction tooth and nail, we finally assaulted their capital city. Sweeping through the filth-ridden streets, the forces of Order quickly overcame Warlord Tchar'zanek with the aide of King Karl Franz. After his death, I began to scour the area, doing my service as a Witch Hunter to purge every bit of Chaos from the world, when suddenly my playful side got a hold of me. I decided to try the evil tyrant's throne on for size; after all, when we finally destroy the city for good someone will have to lead this area. Might as well be me, right?"

Have you staged a funny screenshot in your favorite MMO? If you have, we'd love to see it. Just email it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit for sending it in.