
Craig Zinkievich leaving Star Trek Online's bridge

We'll take "things we didn't see coming" for 5000, Alex. What would that be? Well, in a nutshell, Craig Zinkievich, Executive Producer on Star Trek Online and seven-year vet of Cryptic Studios, has announced his plans to step down. The long open-letter posted on the Star Trek Online official site is titled "What you leave behind" and indicates that his intent is to "take a break" allowing him to enjoy "hanging out with [his] kids over the summer, walking [his] goat more and taking care of [his] bees."

As to just what his plans for the future are, and whether or not they may involve a return to Cryptic Studios in the future, he does not say. In the meantime, Daniel Stahl will step into his position as Star Trek Online's new Executive Producer. According to both Zinkievich's note and Stahl's own profile on the STO site, the game's future trajectory appears to be in capable hands. We wish Zinkievich the best with his children and his goaty kids -- and may he especially never wind up covered in bees.