
ROFLBear ends its first week with hopes for the future

We featured the beginning of ROFLBear on Monday's Moviewatch. The ROFLBear show is a daily series of machinima videos created by the folks behind Myndflame. You can think of it as a daily WoW cartoon. They're finishing up this week's first run with the Anthem of the Crusader, a musical piece.

The reviews of ROFLBear have been somewhat mixed but mostly positive. I think as the series has been expanding its mythos, more folks are finding accessible comedy in the videos. There is an obvious variety of humor in the series, so I think most people will find something to their tastes over time.

One of the most interesting things about ROFLBear, though, is the sheer persistence and dedication devoted to the series by its creators. A daily machinima is not something that anyone should consider easy or simple. Myndflame has been working on these videos throughout 2010 to make sure they have enough material to maintain the schedule going forward.

This kind of daily content is a huge undertaking, as your intrepid staff will tell you. I tip my hat to Myndflame and congratulate it on its first week. ROFLBear has been fun so far, and I look forward to what it is going in the future.