
One Shots: Way more silliness to come, we're sure

What's got this Global Agenda player looking spooked? Well, perhaps it's the scheduled invasion of the Massively Mob tonight? It could be the knowledge that devs will be playing along with our readers -- and devs generally tend to have nifty weapons. Maybe it's that guy with the glowy, colorful gear in the background, who is clearly labeled as a threat. We can't be sure, but we do know one thing for certain -- that goofy bag mask is pretty funny to look at! This One Shots comes to us from reader Canucck, who writes in: "[Here's a picture of the] new 'diplomat flair' being given out to specific players by Hi-Rez for being helpful. 'Scared Bag is Scared' is the item's description in game."

Have you gotten an interesting reward in your favorite game that you'd like to show off? One Shots is all about the player's-eye-view of MMOs, so whether it's a silly mask or new goodies gained from raiding, we welcome your images. All you have to do if you'd like to take part is to email your images to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here for everyone to check out and give you the credit.