
The Classifieds: Wisfest and lots of hiring

The Classifieds brings you weekly news from around the WoW community, including the famous Random Acts of Uberness shout-outs to players who make WoW memorable.

One of the best things about WoW is the friendships you make along the way. It looks like this group has done plenty of that. Long, awkward silences between new acquaintances? Not this gang.

The Ancient Order of Wisdom on Arathor (EU-A) has had a very busy week.

We celebrated our fifth anniversary yesterday with a "Cattle Run" -- a bunch of level 1 taurens doing the run from Mulgore to Thrall (made more interesting since half the guildies there are very much pro-Alliance and didn't know exactly where to find him!). Naturally, we had to do this on a different realm due to the number of altoholics we have. There were a few hiccups on the way ... (by "hiccups," read grizzly deaths), but there was much laughter on Vent and prizes for the winners!

In recognition of this rather superb achievement, we also had the first ever guild meeting last weekend. "Wisfest" took place in York -- and had a weekend where real life was a parody of WoW. An ancient walled city with dungeons and ghost tours! Naturally, we had to sample some of the local ales. Fifteen of us turned up to meet and gel our online friendships into something more. I'm very appreciative of all those that came -- in particular Stony, who travelled all the way from Belgium. We had an absolute blast!

Needless to say, Wisfest 2011 is already in the calendar for next year.

Let's crack open The Classifieds ...

Employment: Guild recruiting

Icecrown 10
<Victorious Secret> of Draka (US-H) is a brand new guild recruiting DPS for serious ICC runs. The goal is regular and sustained progression culminating with downing the LK. We plan to raid 8-11 p.m. Eastern two to three days a week. Since the guild is just starting, core raiding positions are still available and attendence is expected. If you are interested, please fill out an application!

Icecrown 10 <Relapse Into Chaos> of Drenden (US-H) is currently looking for ranged DPS and healers for our two ICC 10-man teams. We are currently downing 8 out of 12 bosses in on both teams. We like to focus on doing what we can for each other while enjoying all aspects of the game. If you're looking for a laid-back atmosphere with some fun on progression content, feel free to contact us in game. We look forward to hearing from you.

Icecrown 25 <The Naked Fear> is one of the oldest active guilds on Korgath, having been founded three years ago during The Burning Crusade expansion. We are currently recruiting more active players in order to fill a steady 25-man roster for our two weekly raid nights. We raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 p.m. until midnight server time. We are presently focusing on several 25-man hard modes and completing a 25-man normal Lich King kill.

Raiding Newbies <Legion Of Might> of Nagrand (US-PvE) is a new guild that will be starting to do casual raiding and fun events. We already have a couple ideas, including LEEERRRROOOYYYY JENKINS! and a scavenger/Amazing Race. We are recruiting all levels and prefer if you are working on your character as often as possible. Come check us out!

Tanks and Healers <Registry Error> of Thrall (US-H) is a casual guild looking for tanks and healers with offspec DPS sets to fill out our 10-man roster. We focus on normal mode progression through ICC-10 and, for kicks, Ulduar-10. We raid weekdays from 8-11 p.m. server time. For more information whisper Aerth or Zulutanna.

Random Acts of Uberness

What, everyone was a total grouch this past week? We know you're out there, playing along in good spirits ... grand-slamming instances ... lighting up your groups with a wicked sense of humor ... quietly offering an unexpected hand to a struggling new player. Who turned your sour evening into a night to remember? Share those Random Acts of Uberness with Keep things brief (150 words or less, please), and be sure to list everyone's character names and home realms or battlegroup.

Crack open The Classifieds for weekly player and community news, help finding the right guild, events of interest and more. Send us your shout-outs for Random Acts of Uberness and mail your news tips and announcements to