
One Shots: Thelema and Mooise

With World of Warcraft's newest expansion, Cataclysm, inching nearer and nearer toward being complete, many players are revisiting old locales to say goodbye. If you caught the MMO track preview at Dragon*Con or caught up with Sera on our livestream, you may have had a preview of some of the myriad changes coming soon to Azeroth. Today, we have this screenshot of two friends -- one magical, one martial -- facing out over the future, reflecting on all that's come before and soon to be: "Here is my blood elf mage, Bere, standing atop the cliffs in Thousand Needles, admiring the view with a tauren friend -- albeit with a strange despair. The mage knows by some arcane means that the landscape is about to be changed forever, and has seen the signs and portents. The Cataclysm in World of Warcraft is about to transform this beautiful viewpoint: it will never be the same again!"

We love to see what you're up to, but it requires your sending in screenshots for that to happen! While you're out gaming this weekend, why not snap a screenshot for us? Once you have one you like, email it to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in!