
The Classifieds: A little old, a little new

The Classifieds brings you weekly news from around the WoW community, including our famous Random Acts of Uberness.

One of my favorite things about BlizzCon is that it's an easy location to get together with your guild friends. It's an obvious time to gather up a handful of WoW geeks and rock out in the presence of our mutual hobby. And since the party is put on by Blizzard, there's always a handful of fun things to enjoy.

But now we've seen the BlizzCon parties and are looking forward to the Cataclysm. If you've not already started advertising for Cataclysm raiders, now's a great time to start putting out your message. After all, the release is only about a month away, and when the expansion officially hits the servers, we're all going to be very, very busy.

There are a few things you can do to help us feature your guild's recruiting. First, if you can include a link to your armory or web site, that helps The Classifieds be certain we're referring to the correct people. Second, keep your promo message to two or three sentences in length. There are a lot of folks looking for new guild members, and space is limited. Take a look at how we tend to publish the recruiting ads to get a better sense of how it's done.

With that being said, let's get started with the Random Acts of Uberness.

Random Acts of Uberness

Incredible kindness from AbraxiusThis is a shout-out from Nukeduke on Proudmoore (US-A), wanting to thank Abraxius from Khaz'goroth (US-A): It was a quick and easy Sunken Temple run, but no gear was dropping. Finally, a very nice set of blue cloth gloves dropped. I was particularly excited because I wasn't wearing gloves on my mage, having gotten hacked a week ago. Abraxius won the gloves and not even a minute later opened trade and gave them to me saying, "You need them more than me." Thanks Abraxius, I hope to see ya in dungeons in the future.

For Gidgyt
: Hi! I'd like to commend Gidgyt from <The Brew Masters> on Kel'Thuzad (US-H) for her unfailing patience at putting together one of the most consistent, fair, successful, and fun ICC-25 PUGs on the server. Our server is remarkably unfriendly for pugging, and amongst the trolls, jerks, and ninjas, Gidgyt's leadership always shines. Plus she's super considerate when she wins an item for herself, she's even been known to pass it to a lower geared player who needs it more. Thank you! -- Zimzi, pugging shaman from Kel'Thuzad and <Oh My Kurenai>

Employment: Recruiting

Adult family guild <Circle of Wolves> of Spinebreaker (US-H) is looking for more members. We are a small adult guild that is made up of a few families and their friends. We keep a 10-man raiding team going and engage in some group PvP action. With the changes coming in Cataclysm, we are interested in growing our guild by three to five more players in order to maintain our raid team, help level the guild, and perhaps engage is more regular PvP. If you would like to learn more, go to our website and check us out.

Community-minded <Earthbound> of Dragonmaw (US-H) is a guild focused on community building: socializers, lowbies, PvPers and even some raiders. The difference between us and other guilds is that everyone in the guild has either been directly approached or come to us to join. No trade chat spam in recruiting at all, and we have 10 to 20 players on at all times! Not only that, but we haven't even had a guild-sanctioned raid. People join because they actually want to be part of a community! We have a structure that allows casuals and hardcores equal access to being in the guild and have already attracted a few off-server transfers.

Experienced raiders wanted
<Twisted Nerve> of Shadow Council (US-A) is looking for experienced raiders to help us make the push from 10-man to 25-man content. We're a relaxed group of mature players who enjoy having a good time together and getting the job done come raid time. We raid Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 p.m. MT until 12 a.m. MT with the addition of Saturdays whenever new content is available. Speak to Sweetpoison or Sammriy in game or stop by our website for more information and to submit an application.

ICC 10-man
<Empire> of Nazgrel (US-H) is recruiting for ICC and Cataclysm 10-man raiding. We are nearly finished in ICC and in need of a steady raid tank or two! Empire is a small, family-based guild filled with the finest people on the Nazgrel server. We are a casual raiding guild whose goal is to have a successful raiding unit where people know each other and work well together as we progress through end-game content. We value people who want to be with us long-term. Raids are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights at 8:00 p.m. Eastern.

Weekend casual 10-man
<The Dúnedain> of Shadow Council (US-A) is recruiting for our casual weekend 10-man raiding team. We currently raid at 6 server time on Saturdays and will likely be expanding into Friday nights and Sunday afternoons as we progress further. At the moment we are in need of tanks and healers (healers especially), though more DPS is always welcome. We are a friendly and helpful guild that plans to push into ICC within the coming weeks and continue raiding into Cataclysm and beyond. Gear and experience are not required -- we will help you gear up and learn encounters. If you wish to join or want more information, visit our website or contact Solaeri or Dazshala in game.

Crack open The Classifieds for weekly player and community news, help finding the right guild, events of interest and more. Send us your shout-outs for Random Acts of Uberness and mail your news tips and announcements to