
Microsoft and Mark Wahlberg team up to give Kinects to Boys and Girls Club

You don't have to tell Mark Wahlberg how to have a good time. The man is well versed in pleasant recreational activities, which made him the perfect candidate for a new program from Microsoft, who will donate Xbox 360 consoles and Kinect to the the Boys and Girls Club of America. "Thousands" of clubs across the country will receive the donation package, which includes the 4GB Xbox 360 S Kinect bundle and a copy of Kinect Sports.

"When I heard Xbox 360 wanted to give Kinect to Clubs across the country, I had to jump in and help," he said. Wahlberg is active in the Boys and Girls Club of America, having spent a majority of his youth at Clubs. The promotion is part of the Boys and Girls Club's initiative to promote exercise and healthy activity amongst youth. We've never been to a Boys and Girls Club, but we imagine they're largely open warehouse space, because Kinect kinda needs that to work.