
The Classifieds: Last week of the year

It's the last week of the year. Not only are we still reeling from the Cataclysm, but last week was pretty big on holiday activity. Now is the time when everyone is picking up speed, recruiting, and getting ready to do amazing things in 2011.

Of course, now is also the time to remember the villains of the last expansion. The brilliant folks over at Myndflame have created a new series of videos featuring "Arthas in real life." In this video, Arthas opens his Christmas Presents. Just remember the famous words of Deathwing to the Lich King: "Now that I rule, you're an insignificant tool!"

Random Acts of Uberness

It's when another player lights up your night with precise play, a wicked sense of humor or unexpected generosity that your login becomes something to remember. Share your Random Acts of Uberness with Keep things brief (150 words or less, please), and be sure to list everyone's character names and home realms or battlegroup.


of Khaz'Goroth (US-A) My Horde character had a rough time trying to find everyone listed for the Let It Snow achievement. I managed to find some in Dalaran but was left without a dwarf paladin. After many hours of searching around Dalaran, I decided to make a new Alliance character. Heaps and heaps of people turned me down, some nicely and some not so nicely. Until I messaged Ogim. He was questing in Un'Goro Crater and he waited for me to complete my achievement. Thanks heaps, Ogim, you're a champion! -- Rob

Ragewall of Burning Legion (US-H) I decided to do a regular random and was put into Grim Batol with a rogue, a shaman, a hunter, and Bloodsail Admiral Ragewall from <Limitless> on Burning Legion (US-H). I had only dinged 85 about a day or two before, so I was nervous about healing my first run in what I considered to be sub-par gear. The whole run went smoothly, with none of this "gogogo" nonsense and with plenty of time between pulls to recover mana and coordinate our next pull.The tank even used my Lightwell on the boss fights! I know simply clearing a dungeon with a group doesn't seem like all that much, but after all the horror stories I've heard about mana problems and bad tanks in level 85 5-mans, this run was a real treat. Thanks, Ragewall! Hope to run with you again some time! -- Touk of Spinebreaker (US-H)

Employment: Guild recruitment

Looking for more? Send in your guild name, realm, a link to your guild website or armory listing and a sentence or two on your guild's focus (10-man, RP, late-night raiding, whatever) to

Mature 10-man <Victims> of Windrunner (US-A) is looking for "night owls with a sense of humor who know how to navigate a spreadsheet." Currently recruiting all roles for Tuesday through Thursday 8:30 p.m. until midnight raid times. If you're looking for a tight-knit group to enjoy Cataclysm content with, please apply at

Mature and casual
<Attention Duelists> of Maelstrom (US-H) is a Horde guild looking for mature, casual raiders. "We want to start raiding Cataclysm content and have some relaxed fun while doing it. If you are a working adult who wants to experience content and you don't have 7 nights a week to raid, then we're perfect for you." Raid progression will begin in January.

Need DPS <Midnight Mayhem> of Uldaman (US-H) is recruiting a static raid DPS spot "to round out our 10-man raid team. We value personality over skill or experience. We are seeking like-minded people to come learn with us. Additionally, we're seeking fun and energetic non-raiders who enjoy the social aspects and 5-man content of the game." For more information, visit the guild website.

Old friends growing <Monster Island> of Dragonblight (US-H) is a laid-back group of new and old friends who enjoy playing World of Warcraft together. "We are looking to grow our social circle and add some new friends. We aren't interested in making WoW a second job, and we're more interested in the journey than the destination. We're mostly in our late 30s, have professional careers and use video games as socializing and relaxing. We're looking for like-minded people to join us." Visit them at their website or in game.

Happy fourth! <Face on Fire> just turned four. The guild kicked off Cataclysm with a bang, snagging several realm firsts and progressing in the new raid instances. "Our 25-man group will begin working through raids after the new year, but there's still room for more! We're looking for a warlock and a shadow priest specifically, though we're always accepting applications from serious raiders."

Worgen guild <In Nomine Lupus> of Laughing Skull (US-A) is a new semi-casual leveling guild, with plans for casual raiding progression and guild PvP events. "We are looking for mature players to join us. We are a worgen-centered guild, and we request that each player have at least one worgen character in the guild. We are happy to help new players experience any aspect of the game that they wish to experience, and we are RP-friendly." For more information, visit their website.

Crack open The Classifieds for weekly player and community news, help finding the right guild, events of interest and more. Send us your shout-outs for Random Acts of Uberness and mail your news tips and announcements to