
Sony Online Entertainment introduces "Gamer of the Month"

It looks like Sony Online Entertainment may have made a New Year's resolution to get to know its fans a little better. Community Relations Coordinator Ashlanne Barefoot recently introduced the "SOE Gamer of the Month" as a new feature on the forums, asking players to PM her for consideration. The feature is now "up and running", so it's time to send in your information.

The post includes a list of questions designed to get an overall feel for the player, their playing style, and how much they use the various features Sony Online Entertainment has to offer, such as the podcast. The questions run the gamut from "Where do you live?" to "What do you like best about your favorite SOE game?", with stops in between to cover general gaming habits, other hobbies, and other real-life things. The questionnaire reads like a cross between a marketing survey and a biography, and should provide an interesting range of responses. We look forward to seeing the first gamer of the month!