
One Shots: Enchanted dryad grotto

The weekends are excellent times for roaming around new areas that haven't been seen and taking on new challenges. Sometimes you can find yourself in beautiful areas such as the one from today's EverQuest II screenshot. This image, sent in to us by Imtithal from the Nagafen server, is of an area that only shows up once a month. Imtithal writes in: This is a screenshot of Enchanted Dryad Grotto in EverQuest II. The grotto comes from a two-day monthly event called Moonlight Enchantments where small solo instances are opened around the game's world. They have quick quests which enable you to get tokens to buy fluff items like furniture.

Have you found an uncommon sight in your favorite MMO? We'd love to see it! All you have to do to share it is to email a screenshot of it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit for sending it in.