
Dell Inspiron Mini 10 with T-Mobile WebConnect is fast...depending on where you're standing

Laptop Mag's gotten its hands on one of those Dell Mini 10's with T-Mobile's WebConnect we'd heard about a few months back, and they've given it a pretty through once over. So, what's the verdict? Is it worth the $199.99 on contract price? Well, T-Mobile's offering is a bit cheaper than similar offers from AT&T and Verizon, so it's got that going for it straight off. Performance-wise, though, it comes out a bit ahead of the pack, too -- Laptop found this Mini 10's broadband to be "significantly" faster than previous offerings (though of course that all depends pretty heavily on whether or not you're in an area where the HSPA 7.2 upgrade has been completed). But everything's not roses here -- the Mini 10's still got all the same issues its always had -- crummy trackpad, and a high cost of overall ownership despite it faring better than the competition. Hit up the source link to check out the entire review.