
Steve Jobs on Foxconn: 'We're all over this'

Apple CEO Steve Jobs is currently on stage at D8, and Walt and Kara aren't shying away from the hard questions tonight. Right after talking the stolen iPhone prototype, the trio moved on to Foxconn -- the massive factory in China where many, many Apple products are assembled -- and where at least 10 employees have committed suicide over the past few weeks. While Apple recently released a statement avowing its intention to monitor the situation, Steve just spoke about the situation a bit, and he made it pretty clear that Apple's seriously "all over" it.

Said Steve: "We are on top of this. We look at everything at these companies. I can tell you a few things that we know. And we are all over this. Foxconn is not a sweatshop. It's a factory -- but my gosh, they have restaurants and movie theaters... but it's a factory. But they've had some suicides and attempted suicides -- and they have 400,000 people there. The rate is under what the US rate is, but it's still troubling." Steve also said that Apple's "got people" over at Foxconn currently trying to figure out what's going on -- we figured as much but it's always good to hear it straight from them.