
One Shots: Don't make me turn this moonkin around

The screenshots are pouring in, many showing the aftermath of the destruction of Azeroth. However, we couldn't help but stop and smile at today's One Shots contribution from Paddy "DrunkenGamer" Fellows, fellow MMO fiend over at Thirteen1. While out and about he managed to capture a moment that's all about the reason we game in the first place -- childlike fun! We'll let him explain just how this intense double moonkin came to be, and how he interpreted it: "Because I've been a balance Druid since the game launched, the moment a moonkin pet was added to the game it was pretty much a given that I would buy one. Anyway, when I was at the auction house yesterday I noticed this interesting visual effect with my semi-transparent character and the moonkin hatchling flapping in the background. It almost looked like my character had finally gotten in touch with its inner child. Strangely all its inner child seemed to want was sweets."

Whether you're playing World of Warcraft or world of something else, we'd love to hear from you! Send in your best screenshots to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in.