
Tweetie for Mac has a MacHeist secret

The storied history of MacHeist continues with the release of Twitter for Mac in the app store.

As you may remember, MacHeist bundle customers were promised early access and a free copy of Tweetie 2. Then Tweetie 2 never arrived, and Twitter bought Tweetie, and now there's a free version of Twitter for Mac which is what Tweetie 2 would have been.

MacHeist customers have, understandably, felt a bit cheated by MacHeist on the Tweetie 2 front, even if the circumstances were outside MH's control. In order to make up for it, MacHeist announced today that Twitter for Mac has a secret.

If you click onto the help menu for Twitter for Mac, then hold down the control, option/alt, and command keys at once, a secret menu option is revealed (shown above). If you enter your "Tweetie 2 registration information" from the MacHeist nanobundle, you will get a new "Super Secret" menu in preferences that gives you custom settings for the app:

It will be interesting to see what Apple thinks of this secret. Given the rules governing App Store purchasing, it's possible that the app will get "pulled" from the Mac App Store until these "secret" features are either removed or made available to everyone.

Lost your MacHeist information? You can look up your orders here.

UPDATE: Kudos to Zach who figured out how to enable this. (See his comment below.) To enter these, launch /Applications/Utilities/ and paste each of these lines in. I tested it on one Mac where I hadn't entered my MacHeist information, and it appeared to work:

defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac ScrollingMakesKeyAndOrdersFront -bool true

defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac UserTimelineDerepeater -bool true

defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac TypeAnywhereToTweet -bool true

defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac HideInBackground -bool true

defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac ESCClosesComposeWindow -bool true

defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac NormalComposeWindowLevel -bool false

UPDATE 2: Aral Balkan posted a free little app which will enable these features for anyone who downloads it. Appropriately enough I saw it on Twitter.