
Sudoku DSiWare exploit enables homebrew on DSi [update: and it's gone!]

For just 200 DSi Points (that's $2), a whole world of digital sudoku can be yours -- plus DSi homebrew capabilities! The hacking troupe known as "Team Twiizers" has found a hole in EA's Sudoku DSiWare game -- exposed using a false save file -- through which homebrew games and applications can be run on a DSi without a flashcart. Notably, this exploit can not be used to play pirated games or applications, but only enables true homebrew software.

Perhaps most exciting for homebrew developers, this breakthrough brings the DSi's hardware upgrades (over the original DS) into play. "In DSi mode, the DSi SD card slot is accessible, the whole 16MB RAM is available, and the CPU is clocked 2x higher than DS-mode," Twiizers notes in on post on HackMii.

As of publishing, [see below] the Sudoku game is still available in the North American DSiWare store, but has already been removed in Europe. At the very least, it would be an excuse to throw away that ratty copy of Snakes on a Sudoku, right?

Update: Looks like Nintendo has already removed the game from its DSiWare store in North America as well. Sorry homebrewers!