
One Shots: It's not all brown

When someone says "post-apocalyptic" to people, it can conjure up the idea of an irradiated, desolate landscape full of twisted wreckage and more shades of brown than you thought were possible. However, if you're one of the people enjoying Earthrise, you have a lush future full of all manner of flora. Never mind that a good chunk of it wants to go all Audrey II on you and chomp your face off. Today's lovely Earthrise One Shots comes to us from Atanas M., who didn't write much of a note other than to comment "cool area."

Whatever kind of MMO you love, we're always on the lookout for great screenshots. Players like you make this column possible! So capture an image in your favorite game and email it in to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. Your image could be the next one we post here on Massively!