
One Shots: A peace in pattern

There's a certain zen to mining in EVE Online. Sure, when there are groups out to suicide gank you, flip your can, or things of that nature, it isn't always peaceful. However, when you scan down a great area, gather up a few friends, and manage to make off with a great haul before anyone catches you, it can be fun in its own way. Today's One Shots image was sent in to us by Jon B., who gives us a look at one such moment of peace he encountered: "I took these shots shortly after the end of Hulkageddon in EVE Online. Pretty lights during an alliance mining op. It's nice to get back to normal."

Have you been thinking about sending in screenshots from your own MMO travels? There's no time like the present. (Bonus points if you send in images from a game we don't see very often!) Email your images to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing in the picture. We'll post it out here on Massively and give you the credit.