
EVE Video Corner: SuperTwinkey69 vs Dominion

The EVE Online community is known for producing some incredible videos, from epic cinematic compositions to some awesome alliance recruitment videos and films showcasing PvP at its best. We've seen amazing videos like the Clarion Call series, Kale Ryoko's Future Proof and Ian Chrisholm's Clear Skies I and II effortlessly merge a passion for EVE with cinematic direction that puts official game trailers to shame.

The official Dominion trailer was released back in 2009, depicting an epic clash between warring fleets in the far reaches of nullsec. CCP went to significant lengths to ensure the action and dialogue in the video weren't completely out of sync with actual war in the game, with several real in-game alliances inspiring the fleets in the video. Nevertheless, players complained that the dialogue wasn't enough like actual fleet voice communication. While some people voiced their dismay on the forum, one player took the trailer as a challenge.

By stripping the vocals out of CCP's official Dominion trailer and replacing them with recordings from actual fleet communication, Kaar of Triumvirate alliance produced a hilarious satire on fleet combat with his fleet commander SuperTwinkey69. Although the video was made back in 2009, it slipped under a lot of players' radars and didn't really get as much attention as it deserved. In true EVE style, this video contains swearing throughout and so is absolutely not safe for work.

Skip past the cut to watch this hilarious re-imagining of the Dominion trailer.