
Appsterdam founder rallies developers for legal protection

Mac and iOS developer Mike Lee has announced the Appsterdam Legal Defense Team, meant to defend independent developers against the patent claims recently made by the likes of Lodsys. Mike tells his fellow developers that "rally time starts now," while outlining the defense team's immediate plan of action.

Texas-based technology attorney Michael McCoy (he's also licensed in California) has been meeting with Lee in Amsterdam to develop a concrete plan of action. McCoy will head the defense fund and, Mike states, establish the Appsterdam Legal Defense Fund.

Lodsys began targeting developers earlier this year by suing them over a patent relating to in-app purchases in iOS. While Apple pays a licensing fee for the technology addressed in the claim, Lodsys insists that individual developers whose apps allow for in-app purchases ought to do the same. Shortly thereafter, Apple announced that it was "actively investigating" the claims and issued a formal response several days later.

Mike Lee, formerly of Apple and Tapulous, recently moved to Amsterdam to create an application development community. Already there is a weekly lunchtime lecture series in place.

Good luck to Mike, The Appsterdam Legal Defense team and all independent developers caught up in this sticky mess.