
Adult Swim shows the sappy side of gaming in SUPER iam8bit article

For an after-hours comedy network, Adult Swim takes its video games very seriously; its article on the SUPER iam8bit gallery presents the show as if the most imaginative pages from our childhood diaries were brought to life and thrown onto the streets of Los Angeles. The article delves into the inspirations behind a few iam8bit artists, who seem to agree that the pixelated, lo-fi graphics of classic video games make them catalysts for creativity and imagination, even today.

Adult Swim talks with gallery creator Jon Gibson, artists Dave Crosland, Scott Belcastro, Jose Emroca Flores, Stone, Kelice Penney, Sky Burchard and Double Fine's Drew Skillman, who modded a Kinect to make live, ever-changing video-game art. If you're a fan of old school video games, art or men with impressive beards, read the full article at the source link.