
Face of Mankind under new management, adding new features

Face of Mankind - shooting

If you've ever played Face of Mankind, you may have gotten something of a blast from the past in your inbox this morning. The sci-fi sandbox MMORPG is under new management, and the team at Nexeon Technologies sent out an email blurb advertising the fact that the game has undergone significant changes (and has a new website and forum to boot).

Nexeon provides a list of all the tweaks that have occurred in recent months, including frequent patches and bug fixes, account portal integration, a new tutorial, and the implementation of famous New York City locales including Brooklyn and Ground Zero.

The press release also hints at major updates still in the planning stages, including an item shop, additional colonies, customizable apartments, and more. Face of Mankind is notable for being one of a very few MMORPGs to emphasize roleplay, community, and player-driven politics as primary gameplay systems, and you can read more about the title at its official website.