
Season 10 PVP armor sets preview

With patch 4.2 coming very, very soon, a new arena season is on the horizon as well. And with a new season of PVP comes a brand new tier of PVP gear! Season 10's gear builds off of the season 9 sets, but with a little bit more flair and badassitude. That's a word, right?

Season 10 PVP will begin one week after season 9 ends, after the winners from the previous season are tabulated, and titles and drakes are awarded. Blizzard cautions PVP players who might think that they are eligible for PVP end-of-season rewards not to faction or realm transfer until the tabulation is completed -- it might screw with the numbers and ruin your chances.

Check out all of the new season 10 armor sets at the WoW community site.

PvP Season 9 will soon be coming to an end. Players on the battlefields and arenas of World of Warcraft have proven their mettle in glorious combat, and are ready for new challenges and more powerful rewards.

Here's a look at the gear that the most accomplished PvP competitors will be sporting in Season 10.

The news is already rolling out for the upcoming WoW Patch 4.2! Preview the new Firelands raid, marvel at the new legendary staff, and get the inside scoop on new quest hubs -- plus new Tier 12 armor!