
New DC Universe video explains SOE's Lantern Corps focus

DC Universe Online - Lantern Corps

If you've been wondering why Sony Online Entertainment chose to focus on the Lantern Corps for DC Universe Online's first game pack, a new video featuring creative director Jens Andersen has your answer.

"The Green Lantern Corps gives us a great stepping stone off of Earth, out of our solar system, and into the galaxy at large so we can begin exploring the great expanse of the DC universe," Andersen explains. So while Gotham City and Metropolis are still the heart of the DCUO experience, players and DC comics fans alike will be adventuring beyond the familiar confines of humanity's home planet as the game grows.

Aside from that, Andersen says that SOE was keen to get light powers into the game as well, and players can use both light and fear variants to wreak havoc on their enemies. You can read more about the new Fight for the Light pack on the official DCUO website, and don't forget to check out the new screens below (and the video after the cut).