
BioWare responds to Black Ops 2 mix-up with Mass Effect Trilogy giveaway

BioWare responds to Black Ops 2 mixup with Mass Effect Trilogy giveaway

In response to reports of some PC copies of Black Ops 2 having a second disc for Mass Effect 2, Bioware is giving away Mass Effect Trilogy to those affected. As detailed on its blog, the Mass Effect developer will send free PC codes for the compendium to the first 50 people to send the developer a photo of the error.

It's a cheeky yet inspired response from BioWare, the developer calling the mix-up an "omen" it had to take heed of. "If the universe thinks that you should be playing Mass Effect right now," the post reads, "who are we to argue?"

Meanwhile, an Activision rep addressed complaints on the official Black Ops 2 forum, saying teams are trying to work out how the mix-up occurred. The post recommends using a product key provided in the case to activate the game on Steam.