
Age of Wushu China begins selling skills

Age of Wushu begins selling skills

Age of Wushu China has added a new sort of item to its cash shop: exclusive skills. While the game's PvP is theoretically more about strategy and cunning movement, a couple extra shiny skills couldn't hurt, right? Players can now drop meatspace currency on the in-game skills 18 Dragons Subduing Palms and Wild Ball Fists. Purchasing the skills through the cash shop will unlock the early levels of the skills, while players will have to work in-game to keep improving them. Naturally, these skills come with unique animations to up the flash factor.

While this has only been put into effect for Age of Wushu China, it'll be interesting to see whether or not this decision filters over to Snail Games USA's cash shop decisions once the game releases in the US.

Skip below the cut to see videos of these bad boys in action.