
Flickr Find: A history of Apple OS installer CDs

Flickr Find A history of Apple OS installer CDs

Remember when all Mac computers shipped with install CDs? With the debut of the Mac App Store and digital distribution, those days are gone. Like album cover art, the decorative designs of install discs are collectibles that we can admire while we reminisce about the Mac's earlier days.

Nigel Goodman compiled some of his older install CDs that span from OS 7.5.3 to OS X 10.5 and posted the shot to Flickr. It's an older photo and doesn't include Snow Leopard, which was the last OS X version to ship with a physical install disc. Both OS X 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion were distributed as Mac App Store downloads.

We found Nigel's great photo in our Flickr pool. We'd love to see your stuff, too, so share a photo with us.