
AppleScripting OmniFocus > Send completed task report to Evernote 2

AppleScripting OmniFocus  Send Completed Task Report to Evernote 2

In February, I provided instructions for using AppleScript to send completed task reports from OmniFocus to Evernote. The script was quite well-received by readers, and I've had numerous requests for enhancements. This post provides an updated version of the script, which includes a number of additions. The script now supports full project paths and additional task details including the context, estimated time, start date, modification date, completion date and notes. This additional content is optional, and you can adjust the script to not display it if you wish.

Creating the Script

NOTE: You can download my completed script here.

1. Launch AppleScript Editor (in /Applications/Utilities)

2. Create a new script document and enter the following code:

3. At the top of the script, you can adjust various properties to customize the information that's displayed in the report. Just change any of these property values to false to prevent them from appearing.

AppleScripting OmniFocus  Send Completed Task Report to Evernote 2

Running the Script

You can run the script right from within AppleScript Editor. Or, you can save it and run it from your system-wide script menu, your Dock or wherever else you'd like. When the script runs, just specify the date range you want to include.

AppleScripting OmniFocus  Send Completed Task Report to Evernote 2

The script then creates a report for any tasks completed within that specified range in your Evernote Inbox.

AppleScripting OmniFocus  Send Completed Task Report to Evernote 2

Now, you can quickly generate much more detailed reports of your recently completed OmniFocus activity simply by running the script. Happy Scripting!